Dream Weave Fusible Interfacing by Floriani For those of us who remember Touch of Gold and cried when you could no longer get it. This is the closest I have found. It is wonderful for working with fine fabrics such as silk as it really doesn't alter the drape of the fabric. It is also great as a stabilizer for light weight fabric and is recommended by Jenny Haskins. It also makes a great soft touch cover on the back of embroidery for sensitive skins. I was able to purchase it at a 60 inch wide width so is great for garment construction. Compare to Dream weave from Embroidery.com for 3 yardsx30inches for 33.99. So comparable to $ 22 per yard at 60 inches wide. Sales price $ 60 for 5yds by 60 inch.
The Sky is not the limit, nor are the stars. It’s your imagination!